Product Details
Non-stop adventures await in
each 3-book full color hardcover
The Harry Bundle includes:
Harry Moon’s Wand-Paper-Scissors (Series Origin book)
ISBN#: 9781943785599
Subject Matter/Theme: Bullying
Harry Moon’s Snow Day
ISBN#: 9781943785414
Subject Matter/Theme: Enjoying/Respect for Nature
Kligore’s Halloween alarm fails to awaken him so that he can cast his daily early morning spell over Sleepy Hollow. Harry and his friends awaken to three feet of freshly fallen snow as winter punches through Halloween for one wonderful moment. Sleepy Hollow Middle School’s very first SNOW DAY! The Good Mischief Team has a whole day to figure out what to do with a glorious, magnificent, juicy twenty-four hours, a gift courtesy of Mayor Maximus Kligore.
Harry Moon’s Halloween Nightmares
ISBN#: 9781943785636
Subject Matter/Theme: Using your gifts for good
While other kids are out trick-or-treating, eighth-grade magician Harry Moon is flying on a magic cloak named Impenetrable. Harry and Rabbit speed past severed hands, boiling cauldrons, and graveyard witching rituals on their way to unravel a decade-old curse at the annual Sleepy Hollow Halloween Bonfire. With “do no evil” his motto, Harry goes to battle with the sinister Mayor Kligore and Oink, a demon dog. Halloween night becomes the fight and nightmare of Harry Moon’s young life.
ISBN#: 9781943785803
Subject Matter/Theme: Honesty/Forgiveness
Honey Moon is in a terrible pickle. She borrowed her mother's precious silver locket without permission and now the family heirloom has gone missing. Honey suspects it was taken by one of her best friends. She sets out to find the necklace before her mother notices it's gone. Along the way, Honey meets Shiver, who turns out to be much more than the owner of the newest popsicle shop in Sleepy Hollow. With Shiver's guidance and a bit of magic, Honey is able to track down the locket and learn the importance of telling the truth and the power of forgiveness.
Honey Moon’s Dog Daze
ISBN#: 9781943785193
Subject Matter/Theme: Responsibility
WANTING TO START A BUSINESS together to earn some spending money, Honey Moon and her friends have a magical idea. In the town where every day is Halloween night, Honey and friends start a dog-walking service called the Sleepy Hollow Howlers. But when the business becomes more than the girls can handle, dog-walking suddenly takes on a new leash and fur flies with disastrous and entertaining results.